This skin blend really lives up to its name, giving your sims a spotless finish. This default skin is more detailed and works for all genders, ages, and a variety of body types. The Evie V2 is a mix of FrenchieSim’s Evie V1 and Sihua overlay.

This vitiligo skin overlay by Peachteees is lovely. Female Vitiligo Skin Overlay by Peachtreees.If your sims workout, you can expect them to lose their defined abs in place for a flat, smooth stomach.

This Kennie skin overlay gives an overall smooth finish, removing those EA smile and necklines. While the muscles and six-pack are great, the golden sheen makes this skin overlay a winner in my book. This skin mod makes your male sims skin look like they’ve been surfing all day. The dang overlay is STILL THERE, even with no mods at all, giving my poor sim an awkward skin condition. Removed my mods folder entirely, deleted cache. I cleared the cache again, deleted the CC file entirely, no luck. I found the CC file in question and removed it from the mods folder, cleared the cache, opened the game.

I wondered if it might have been tagged as male, but it didn't show up even with all filters removed. It doesn't show up at all, and when I strip everything from every category including hair, it persists. It didn't fit her frame though (her chest has odd splotches where a suggestion of male nips would go etc) and has started to glitch occasionally, so I thought I'd just remove it in CAS. Upon closer inspection it seemed like she'd been generated with an older CC male skin overlay and I just hadn't noticed at the time. I noticed recently that one of my female sims had something strange going on with her skin. Hi, I made an account just to see if anyone here has experienced a similar issue or has any ideas what is causing it.